Friday, February 2, 2018

Four Weeks Down

Started off my day in the pool..again! Got well over a mile in today, felt great and made good time. I’m going to try and do 2 miles in 1 shot one of these days this weekend maybe?

Full day of classes, all went well. Working on a few group projects with some class mates. They are all presentations and trying to figure out how we are going to do it. Work never stops. I had Media class today and we spent the day discussing the affects of the public and how they are becoming the media with smart phones. Saw some pretty nasty videos on people not being nice to the police...meanies.

I had my Violent Crime class today also. That was a good class, we are presented a murder and within 2 hours we have it solved! Just like on TV. It makes you think and ask questions, promotes some good discussions and some wild theories. I enjoy it. The pics!

Finished my day with some PT with the great Mr. O’Malley. We did striking (punch, elbows, knees) for 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off...for like an eternity. Felt great! I hit the linen exchange and dropped off my dirty stuff and picked up clean stuff at lunch. Nice not having to do that laundry!

After that we were done for the day. A group of us went to Kim’s Barbershop (take a right at CVS out of the back gate and they are in the strip mall on the right). See the picture below, worth it to get your haircut there!

After that we hit up a local Korean restaurant and I had some Bulgogi-I haven’t had it in a while. It was above average but not outstanding. It’s just nice to get off the base and eat some different food.

Sounds like the weather isn’t going to be nice this weekend, so no big plans. With all of our homework starting to ramp up, I think I am going to buckle down and get a ton of stuff done this weekend if I can. I am going to have some special visitors to the academy Sunday though! Stay tuned for that!

Have a good weekend, stay warm! Peace, A

Steps 11,504 = 5.24 miles. I am going to have to get my step count up!

This is Chris, he’s my roomie and he’s always cold! California blood is thin.

Dinner at Bulgogi-Korean Restaurant. Was solid.

Apps!  Kimchi etc...

Barbershop! About 10 classmates showed up to get their haircuts. You get a hot towel, straight razor, and a massage, plus a haircut for $10!!  Worth it.

Picture of 1/3 of the gym. We spend a lot of time in there this winter.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Field Trip Day

Today we had to pack up and be on the bus early, by 7am! I had to get my swim done a little quicker then I wanted to, but I still got a mile in.

We headed first to the Holocaust museum. I have heard many things about it, but I have never been. Today was one of those days. I don’t possess the vocabulary to begin to explain how it felt. I was pretty sickened by the whole thing. As I get older and more mature I am able to process how good or bad something is, I don’t think this museum would have had the same affect on me 10 years ago. Either way, it was a day of perspective.

After that we went to the FBI Headquarters and met with a high ranking official within in the FBI cyber crime unit. He pointed out some issues going forward that should have us all worried. We then went on to the FBI Experience. It was a nice self guided tour through the history of the FBI and highlighted some of their most famous cases. It also showed some of their projects and programs that they have. It was a pretty neat tour and is open to the public I think.

I am plugging away on homework and got some stuff done tonight. I have mentioned this before, there is plenty of work to do, but it seems manageable. Staying organized is the key I think. I have papers due in every class on every different day it seems. The group projects are in full swing also and I bet next week we have to start meeting to get on the same page.

Have a good day!

Steps 10,204 = 4.53 miles (light day)

Front of the Holocaust museum.

The shoes. It’s hard to think these were essentially more valuable to the Nazis, then the human slaves who wore them.

Last thing you see when you are done.

Afternoon at FBI Headquarters and doing the FBI Experience.

Me sitting at J Edgar Hoover’s desk.

The 2nd Boston Bomber was shot in this boat. You can’t see it real well, but there are a ton of bullet holes in it.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Challenge Day!

I love Wednesday’s here! Today was the Cyclone challenge, being a graduate of Iowa State (the Cyclones), I loved the name of it! It was tough and I survived. 5 mins of work, with 1 minute of rest in between for 3 rounds! It was all body weight stuff and it was a challenge for sure. I worked! So did everyone else. I am having issues posting pics again, but I will try to update this entry and add some tomorrow.

We had the FBINAA expo today. The FBINAA is basically our alumni association for us when we graduate. There were several companies there passing out information about what they can help us with. There was also several colleges there that would accept your NA credits towards a Masters or Bachelor degree. So keep that in mind if you are coming here, you could save yourself some money!

We had a great presentation today about PTSD. A Sheriff from New York gave us some unique insights that made me think twice about some things in my career. I will definitely consider this going forward. Really, the NA has done a great job in this regard. They can’t teach us everything and they can’t cover every situation, but they have planted seeds that I will have to cultivate later for sure.

Tomorrow is a busy day, we are heading to tour the Holocaust Museum and the FBI Headquarters. Should be both somber and interesting.

10,547 steps = 4.77 miles (light day!)

I will try and add some pics/videos tomorrow. Peace out! A

Frank from Houston! We are almost ready to kill our Media class group project!

Suite mates after the Cyclone challenge! Couldn’t have asked for a better group to live with. 

Group photo for the FBINAA-they are going to make us famous I hear!

1st group getting after it!

Here’s the workout!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


I’m up to 18 miles in the pool...more then halfway to the Blue Brick! I think I am going to take tomorrow off, we have a pretty tough challenge, The Cyclone! It’s supposed to be a killer work out, I will post the specifics about it tomorrow. I’d like to know why it’s called the Cyclone though...I thought that was a tornado from the Wizard of Oz (if you recall, all of the Wednesday challenges are themed around the Wizard of Oz)?

Today was another full day of classes. Found out my DISC results and I am an ‘I’. I guess that means I lead with a focus on influence. After reading the description I’d say it was about 75% accurate. Once you know what sort of style people have, you can game how you motivate them and work with them. Makes perfect sense. It also sounds like I should have been selling cars for a living...

We also had our first International Panel today. 8 of our International partners gave presentations about their country, their law enforcement agencies, and the issues they are facing. Based on what I heard today, they have the same issues we have in terms of theft and drugs. We can learn a lot from these partners and I’m looking forward to the rest of their presentations going forward.

We had PT again today...we are getting our bottoms kicked this week! Today was a focus on strength. It was nice to push some weights around. Mr. O’Malley promised tomorrow will be tough!

Night night!

Steps 11,978 = 5.32 miles

International Panel 1 of 2 so far. More to come!

The Starbucks area in our classroom area. You coffee drinkers will be well taken care of.

The Boardroom. Wednesday’s are a good time, karaoke!

Monday, January 29, 2018

5.11 Steak Night

Another Monday here at the NA as week 4 begins. Got assigned another group presentation in our Media class, should be interesting! One step closer to getting started on my final paper for my Managing Change class. I would really like to get started on that before all of these group projects start up.

Sounds like everyone here had a good weekend. Everyone is still in pretty good spirits, all things considered. It seems we are getting to know each other, the jokes are getting better! At the same time, everyday I think I see someone new? There are a lot of people I haven’t even spoken to yet. I need to work on that.

Had PT today and we have it 4 times this week! EJ is calling this ‘Hell Week’, it’s weird that I am excited about it! Today wasn’t bad, some 200 meter sprints. By the end I was breathing heavy. Trying to maintain that speed gets tiring. Tomorrow he promised up some strength exercises.

Tonight was 5.11 Steak Night! Steak was over cooked, but seasoned well. Could have been epic if that timing was on point. Either way, it was a nice departure from the cafeteria. Free beer is always nice also! Speaking of free, see the pic of the swag we got tonight!

A lot going on this week! Have a good night! Later, A

14,573 steps = 6.68 miles

Another Monday, another envelope from home to open! I keep getting pictures for my bulletin board!

Section 3 after PT today! Good looking group right there!

Jason and I on our last sets of 200 meter sprints. He pushed me!

5.11 Steak Night! A bag, socks, and a knife with our session number on the blade!

Steak Night!

Omar with the selfie!

It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...