So the last week is pretty relaxed. You have one final day of class on Monday where you let the instructors know how they did or what they should do differently. Tuesday is Yellow Brick Run-tons of fun. Wednesday is rehearsal for graduation, Thursday is family day, and Friday you are done! Most people move out of the dorms starting Tuesday and Wednesday. You don’t have to be at much after that. So if your family is coming, get a hotel close to Quantico so you don’t have to battle traffic to get here for your mandatory stuff. Make sure you book this early, those rooms fill up fast for the last week of your session with everyone's boss and family coming to see them graduate.
Traffic getting in and out of the academy is pretty tough on graduation day, so make sure you and your family get here early. Seating inside of the auditorium is pretty full, beg borrow and do whatever you have to, to get tickets for you family. Remember, there is an overflow area for guests that has plenty of room, so everyone who comes will get into the academy.
Now that I have been back to work and reflected on it a bit, I am sad that I won't be seeing these guys every day. I am glad to be home, but I am already missing the NA and all that it offers. If anyone has any questions or needs any advice about going, feel free to email me. I'll do my best to help.
Thanks to all of you for reading and responding. I was completely shocked by how many people told me they were reading this blog. The stats on the back end weren't wrong I guess!
Be safe! Thanks again,
These guys were great.
My team!
5:00 am Blue Brick Crew! We struggled together!
An idea of how crowded it gets during graduation.
I am very proud of our session for raising the most money ever by an NA session during our silent auction. It was a tremendous effort and speaks volumes about our session. We beat the last record by well over 8k I think!
Me a few days later-on vacation! Sorry, I couldn't resist! If you must know, I was on my way to a massage on the beach!
Just to be fair, this was me last Friday driving across Indiana and Illinois on my way home. Talk about a change of scenery.