We had PT on Friday also, only day that week! We ran 400s-sprinting those sucked! Was a good workout.
Friday night a group of us headed down to Fredericksburg to get some food off the reservation. We settled on Capital Ale House. The food was good and the beer selection is way above average. It was a very nice relaxing night and we were back home early for a nightcap in the Boardroom.
Saturday am started with a workout and then we carpooled into DC to tour the White House. A classmate made arrangements for us, where normally you have to make these appointments months in advance, we didn't have to. We did have a hiccup though, the International students that were with us weren't allowed in. It kinda stunk for them, we all felt bad. The tour isn't very long anyway, so we hooked up with them at the end. We all went to the White House visitor's center and learned quite a bit about the building. Then we hit Ebbott's Grill. They are famous for their oysters if you are into that sort of thing-I am not!
I spent the night in DC with my Uncle and Aunt. It was very awesome to sleep in a normal bed and hang out in a real neighborhood! The food was awesome too! The next morning I was up early to head in to do the Mall run. We met at the Jefferson Memorial and ran to the Capital and back. It was about 4.2 miles and there was 50 or so of us from 271. It was very fun and a great workout. Our last 2 miles we were moving and I'm pretty sure we were under 7:30/mile. It's a great place to run, the views are very cool.
Once I got back to the NA I finished my last major paper (8 pages) and emailed it off to my instructor. I have only printed off 1 paper the entire time I have been here, most of them prefer you email it as an attachment or copy and paste it into Collab. Collab is the UVA website for assignments that the NA uses. If you are coming here, you will learn all about it.
Yesterday I walked 16,663 steps = 7.9 miles.
Today 11,792 steps = 6 miles
Halfway photo
Ending photo
Me running with my classmates
Washington Monument
Dinner Saturday night with Aunt and Uncle! Was delicious
If you are a craft beer person, like me, might I suggest ChurchKey in DC? Great selection!
400s x 8 with a break in between each rep. Ouch!
271 at the White House!
Backside of the White House, I asked to meet The 1st lady, apparently she was busy?
Governors conference Monday in the White House
You can’t see Baron’s soccer goal, it’s there.