Monday, February 19, 2018

Home Sweet Home! Week 7 Begins

What a great weekend! We got out of class early Friday and this place turned into a ghost town! Because of the holiday on Monday, everyone it seemed (most anyway) went home. The excitement around here was contagious and created a festive environment all week. I didn’t say anything on here, because my kids had no idea I was coming home and I didn’t want them to read it!

Amy and I left here around 430 and parked at the Franconia station and took the Metro to Reagan for our 8pm flight. The Metro is way easy and super convienent, I recommend it big time. We got checked in and grabbed dinner before boarding. I couldn’t believe how many classmates we saw, I’d safely guess there were over 20 of us there at the same time.

Before we boarded, I ended up running into one of our Reserve Deputy’s, Matt! Matt is a frequent traveler and upgraded me with his miles so I could sit first class with him! What a great way to start my trip home!

I got home while the kids were asleep, so I got to surprise them in the am, turns out they had an idea that I might be there, but it went well. Problem was that Sadie and Eli were still sick from the week before. They were troopers though and we went about some of our normal day anyway. Eli ended up getting a couple shots for an infection, in his leg, that wasn’t fun holding him down! Sarah bought us tickets to the Air Play show at the Civic Center, that was really neat and the kids enjoyed it.

We took it easy that night due to Sadie getting worse as the day went on. Sunday was pretty rough for poor Sadie, but Eli came around and seemed to be back to normal. We had fun playing and he gave me multiple hugs and told me he loved me. That stuff gets you. It was great.

I had a quick minute to hang out with Uncle Pete and get caught up with him, he is doing well! My parents came over and we celebrated Sadie’s birthday. That was fun to see them also and Sadie got some really neat presents!

Monday am, I was out the door quick and early. The Sheriff himself gave me a ride to the airport at 4:30am. Very nice of him to help us out and it was nice to catch up on office stuff. I almost missed my flight, those security lines at Des Moines airport are getting ridiculous.  I heard my name over the intercom twice...that made me nervous.

Amy and I got back to school early and I was able to get a bunch of homework done on the plane ride. I also got a haircut back in VA. They are so cheap here and you get a massage for a minute on your back. I will probably get another one before I am done here, just because!

We are pretty excited for week 7 to start, because that means we are very close to being done. The work is starting to become due and all the presentations are piling up, but we are close. Hit it hard this week and I think we really start to see the light.

Night night, I’m tired! A
Steps 7434 = 3.31 miles

The Metro! Very convenient for getting into and out of Reagan.

My poor kids weren’t feeling the best, they enjoyed the Air Play show though.

Matt and I riding dirty in 1st class! Thanks Matt for the upgrade!

Metro map-they have an app also.

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