Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Week 70?

It’s week 7 here at the NA and it feels like 75 or so outside! What a great weather day, everyone wanted to get outside and enjoy it. It feels like spring in the middle of February and it’s amazing for everyone’s mood. Not sure if it was the long weekend and all of us heading home or the weather, but spirits are high around here it seems. After classes, the track was packed with people getting some outside workouts in. Scott and I ran some sprints and I think I tweaked my hammy a little...great.

I almost forgot...Blue Brick=DONE! Finished that up this am. Not sure what I am going to do with myself for the last couple of weeks, the pool is going to miss me.

Classes went well today, every single class revolved around a presentation! My group did our news analysis in our Media class, it went well! I won’t look at the media the same after this class, it’s been eye opening. My Change class we had a presentation on Jeff Bezos being a transformational leader, sounds like a pretty smart guy. We had a good presentation on the Boston Bombers today from one of the negotiators on scene. It was very informative and well received by the group. Some of those F block classes are very good.

Tomorrow is the Winged Monkey Assault Challenge. That should be fun. We also have International Night! We have been warned multiple times to be careful...those international drinks can be potent! I will do my best to pace myself, but I want to try it all! Really looking forward to all the food also. I will have a bunch of pictures tomorrow, sorry for none today-you’ve pretty much seen everything at this point anyway, if you have read the previous posts.

Have a good night, A

Steps 14,179 =. 6.29 miles


  1. It kinda feels like week 70 to us. Congrats on finishing the swimming! Excited to see the food/drink pictures tomorrow!

  2. Why do they call it winged monkey???????!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Good question Sadie, I think they call it that because you 'fly' around from station to station!


It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...