Thursday, February 1, 2018

Field Trip Day

Today we had to pack up and be on the bus early, by 7am! I had to get my swim done a little quicker then I wanted to, but I still got a mile in.

We headed first to the Holocaust museum. I have heard many things about it, but I have never been. Today was one of those days. I don’t possess the vocabulary to begin to explain how it felt. I was pretty sickened by the whole thing. As I get older and more mature I am able to process how good or bad something is, I don’t think this museum would have had the same affect on me 10 years ago. Either way, it was a day of perspective.

After that we went to the FBI Headquarters and met with a high ranking official within in the FBI cyber crime unit. He pointed out some issues going forward that should have us all worried. We then went on to the FBI Experience. It was a nice self guided tour through the history of the FBI and highlighted some of their most famous cases. It also showed some of their projects and programs that they have. It was a pretty neat tour and is open to the public I think.

I am plugging away on homework and got some stuff done tonight. I have mentioned this before, there is plenty of work to do, but it seems manageable. Staying organized is the key I think. I have papers due in every class on every different day it seems. The group projects are in full swing also and I bet next week we have to start meeting to get on the same page.

Have a good day!

Steps 10,204 = 4.53 miles (light day)

Front of the Holocaust museum.

The shoes. It’s hard to think these were essentially more valuable to the Nazis, then the human slaves who wore them.

Last thing you see when you are done.

Afternoon at FBI Headquarters and doing the FBI Experience.

Me sitting at J Edgar Hoover’s desk.

The 2nd Boston Bomber was shot in this boat. You can’t see it real well, but there are a ton of bullet holes in it.


  1. The shoes. The saddest part of the museum. :( I remember the news of the guy in/under the boat! Kids loved the pictures!

  2. Really, J Edgar's desk? The shoes and boat are creepy.


It’s Been A Year!

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