Tonight was the IACP dinner in the atrium. It was baked chicken and stuff. Nothing special really. Best part of the dinner was the announcement that one of our classmates was promoted to Captain! It was announced to all of us by the boss and whole room stood up and cheered for him. Really cool they sent the announcement and badge to us to present to him. He had no idea!
Tomorrow we going to busy. The acting Deputy Director of the FBI will be addressing us, we have regular classes and we are then heading to Law Enfocement Memorial for our make up ceremony. I’m really looking forward to that.
Sorry for the short post and no original pics really-I’m tired!
Steps 7704 = 3.48 miles! Lowest total yet? Tomorrow I’m back in the pool after 4 days off. Might be done this week? Night Night, A
Monday, means envelope!! Sorry EJ, my kids sent me sugar!!!
My poor boy has the flu and croup. An ER visit helped him out a ton. See yesterday’s post for more info. Glad he is feeling better
Need pic of the Brooklyn Bridge
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