Thursday, February 8, 2018

Week 5 Ending with a Bang!

Today was a normal day at NA. Had morning classes and then went to a briefing on lessons learned from the Freddie Gray incident in Baltimore a few years ago. Had my Violent Crime class to end the day, very interesting stuff. I had no idea about some of these serial killers, some very interesting stuff that I can’t share.

I also had my Media class today and we began our live interviews! I went first and I felt pretty good about my message I was delivering. Handling the media and social media will be a strength for me now, I have learned a ton in this class and it makes sense. It’s been fun to watch my classmates, I am constantly reminded how smart all of these people are, they do great in this class.

This place is going bonkers a bit, feels like spring break around here. We are all getting ready for New York this weekend. We have a short day tomorrow and we are taking off for the city. Our agenda is tight and we are going to be doing a ton of stuff. Tour of 1 Police Plaza, 911 Memorial, harbor ride on NYPD boats, checking out their SWAT’s going to be very cool, we are all excited. Forecast isn’t the best, but that sucks more for our friends from warm states! The rest of us will be fine haha.

Meals here are generally ok. You get tired of the same food though. So people are starting to get off the reservation now more and more for some different types of food. I’m not complaining about the food at all, so don’t worry too much about that if you are coming here. It just wears on you a bit.

I have PT tomorrow right out of the gate, so I am going to skip swimming! I have about 5.5 miles left I think for my blue brick. I hope to have that done by next week. After that I don’t know what I am going to do...maybe hit the bike and rower? Suggestions?

Alright, probably last post till Sunday night! Have a good weekend, A

Steps 10,861 =. 4.82 miles

The gym. Not sure if I posted pics yet or not.

Weight room at 600 am last Friday. All the recruits were at their PT, but there is normally someone always in here.

More gym

That cage has a bunch of stuff in designed to hurt you.

1 comment:

It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...