Sunday, February 11, 2018

NYC Trip #epic post 1 of 2

What a great weekend in NYC! If you are coming here, this trip is a must.

The NYPD pulled out all the stops and rolled out the red capet for us. We had an escort the entire time, everywhere we went we were taken care of. I can’t say it enough, the NYPD knows how to host!

On Friday we packed up and took off. We unfortunately had a tire blow out on the way and we had to wait about 2 hours for some new buses to come and grab us. It was a delay, but we all had a good time and made the best out of it.

We were up and at it early Saturday morning and started off our day at the Emergency Services Unit. They have 7 helicopters there and they gave us a really neat demonstrations doing some rescues and high flying stuff. We were all very impressed.

After the ESU we went to tour NYPD headquarters. They show us the Comstat Room, the Real Time Crime Center, and other things. I was pretty amazed with their technology and their access to information. They are doing a good job if you consider the scope of their agency and the problems they have.

After that we walked back to our hotel on a guided walk. We did the Brooklyn Bridge, precinct 5, China Town, Little Italy, and much more! We walked for a good 4 hours and got rained on pretty good at the end. This walk is optional and I would recommend it if you want to see some of the city.

We ended our official part of the day with dinner at Carmine’s!  While we were eating we had bagpipers come into the restaurant and play music for us, it was really cool.

The next day we went right away to take a boat tour of Manhattan. We rode with the NYFD and they were just as accommodating at the NYPD had been all weekend. Got a close up view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty. It was raining and chilly, but otherwise a great ride.

We spent the rest of the day at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum and we also got to go up to the 75th floor of the new World Trade Center building. The fog prevented us from seeing much, but we got the gist of it. The museum was mind blowing. Having been in law enforcement when that occurred, it makes quite an impact of you. It’s a must see if you are in NYC.

I am going to attached another post with just pics in it.

Steps, I can’t remember! I had 11.55 miles Saturday night...
Sunday I had 6.7 miles!

Carmine’s for dinner! That was a ton of food, don’t fill up too soon. We had 8 or so courses? Salad, bread, 2 pastas, Calamari, stuffed mushrooms, chicken parm, chicken Marsala, shrimp, dessert. More then you can eat plus open bar!

Group walking tour!  We put in some miles and got to see pretty much all of Manhattan in the process.

Everywhere we went, police escort. Was very cool, NYPD doesn’t mess around. 1st rate hosts.

Iowa contingent at Emergency Services Unit!

Halfway across the Brooklyn Bridge.

The 5th Precinct. Used to have a morgue in the basement. It’s the oldest NYPD building built in the 1800s, before the Brooklyn Bridge!

Cannolis in Little Italy.

Our bus trip started off rough with a blow out! Cost us some time, but fun was had by all

We had to switch buses on the side of the road

Once we got into the city, pizza!!

Nice spot that hosted us for the night.

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