Thursday, January 25, 2018

What a Day

Wednesday was a good day, kinda! Our morning started off with the challenge, ‘We Aren’t in Kansas Anymore’! It was good fun had by all I think. We started off with partner banded sprints for 6 minutes. Then we jogged over to the parking ramp and ran stairs for 6 minutes. We finished with 6 minutes of sprints up a short steep hill. The hill was the worst, I bear crawled down...once. After that I figured I would save my face from being planted into the ground and instead I crab walked down. Either way, I am bit sore today! Everyone seemed to have a good time with it!

After lunch we had some presentations on grants. This was by far the longest afternoon I have had so far at the NA. It’s just not an exciting subject and I got tired.

At 330 our Law Enforcement Memorial committee took off for DC to set up for the ceremony. We had no issues with traffic and made great time. After doing a walk though, we went to grab dinner while we waited for our classmates to be bussed up for the ceremony. There turned out to be a slight glitch and for whatever reason, the buses were a no show. We had a nice dinner and headed back to the academy where we found the majority of our session in the Boardroom, having a good time! Between the karaoke and free beer, it appears everyone was having fun. We are going to reschedule the ceremony hopefully.

Swam my mile this am and heading off to class. Should be a good day!

Steps 15,567 = 7.37 miles

The Law Enfocement Memorial Commitee grabbing dinner before our ceremony. Was a fun night despite the hiccup.

The Lion at the front of the LE memorial.

After our Not in Kansas Anymore Challenge. This isn’t everyone, but you get the idea. I stole this picture from someone, thanks!

Wes and I chilling between classes. He mentioned he wanted to become famous, so I threw him in the blog!

My dinner from last night! I ate way too much.

1 comment:

It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...