Classes went smooth today. Had a very good guest teacher who presented on Critical Thinking. I learned a lot in there today. It’s all about asking questions. It was something I can take home and implement at my office. The best thinkers ask questions!
I represented our group in a short presentation in my Essentials class this am. It was nice to talk for a little bit about challenges of heading an agency. Tomorrow my talking continues. I have a live interview in my Media class!
This weekend I’m off to Baltimore to see some family and go to the Orioles Fan Fest! I should have some good pictures. Hope you all have a good weekend, I’ll try and post again some time this weekend. Oh, I am starting to hear from some classmates that their friends and family are checking the blog out, hope I can help give you an insight into what they are doing! As I hear about it, I try to post a picture of one of them so their family can see them!
Me and Todd kicking it in our Essentials class! I told him I’d make him famous by putting him in my blog! Y’-all see what I did there? (Did I spell that right?)
Laundry facilities! Not sure if I posted a pic of these yet or not. They are always busy it seems!
Our flowers from the ceremony that was postponed, in the hall of honor.
Are you going to keep doing your own laundry when you get home?! 😜
ReplyDeleteI fold!!! I can do yours also, if you don’t mind shrinking and color issues
ReplyDeleteWhy is there a reef in the middle of that hallway?
ReplyDeleteSadie, that is a wreath for our memorial that got postponed. It’s a tribute to fallen officers.