Thursday, January 11, 2018

Moving Right Along

Today was another full day of classes, we have finally been to all of the classes and gotten through the introductions and are ready to get going. In fact, today we had two classes for the 2nd time. One of them in the Violent Crime class, spent the time discussing truckers who are serial killers...was interesting!

There are several people discussing various bricks of sorts! I am sticking with the Blue Brick and I got my half mile plus some in the am. I need to add some more distance on this if I am going to get 34 miles in before I am done here.

Lots of talk about what we we are all doing this weekend. It’s a holiday weekend so with the extra day off those that live within a days drive are debating on whether or not they are going to go home or not. I wished I lived that close to here. I miss Sarah and the kids. We FaceTime everyday and chat throughout as best we can, but it’s not the same. The weather here is a ton better then there so...maybe I’ll just stay here!

Ventured off the base and out of the building really for the first time today! Suffice it to say that Walmarts are the same no matter where in the world you are. Trust me.

Steps 11,239 = 5.00 miles-slow day!

Last class tomorrow is PT-excited for a good workout to break up the classroom stuff!

The guy who had my desk from the last session left this for me! It said good luck and told me to contact him if I needed anything. I emailed him and thanked him today, pretty neat gesture. I’ll leave one of mine for the next class too.

Hall of Honor. Hiring those who graduated from the NA and died in the line of duty and FBI Agents who dies in the line of duty. I walk through here multiple times a day and I think about it each time.

My name tag-Sarah will appreciate this!!! 😜

1 comment:

  1. The weather is better there...if you’re staying just let me know and we will start packing!


It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...