Thursday, January 11, 2018

First Full Day of Classes

Today was our first full day of classes and I didn’t really even get lost! I can’t stress to people enough how big this place is.

Classes went well, teachers here are more then qualified and they are all interesting. It’s as if they have done this before? Today was a day of introductions and I am finally starting to put some faces with names. For the most part though, I still identify people by where they are from!

Had our first PT session today and got some assessments done. No surprise, I have a slight impingment in my shoulders, which basically means I need to get stretching and strengthen them some. Otherwise, I was good to go. Passed the hamstring and squat tests with flying colors. Also had a nice standing broad jump. After that we had our mile run. The other PT groups didn’t get to run today for various reasons, but we did. The 40 degree weather was perfect and our section had a good run. I need to lower my time a bit, but I was happy with a 7:07 mile. I can do 6!

I had my first committee meeting, at lunch time, for the Law Enforcement Memorial ceremony we do in a few weeks. It’s nice to have some people in our class that have some serious connections. The heavy lifting is done there already!

Sorry I didn’t get any pictures today, I will try and get some tomorrow. I’ve already got quite a bit of homework and I hope to get plugging away on that soon. In the mean time, off to bed, I need to swim again in the morning. So far I have made it 40 laps everyday.

Steps-13,047 = 6.02 miles


  1. Nice job on the mile! I bet you were one of the fastest, if not the fastest?!

  2. cool daddy! It is snowing like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. 7:07 is solid! Nice work man. If you figure out how to fix a shoulder impingment please let me know (unless its daily stretching and strengthening... I dont have time for that). See ya soon!


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