Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Super Tuesday

Today was busy! There are 5 sections of students, I am in section 3. We met with and introduced ourselves to all of the people in our sections (I’d guess there are about 50 people in ours). We also have several international students from all over the place. Australia, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Estonia, Haiti...even from as far away as...Canada!

Today I feel pretty lucky! Hearing about what some of these professionals have to deal with, how many departments and issues they handle, makes me realize I have it pretty good! I have a great boss who doesn’t micro manage me and gives me a voice. I heard a few war stories today!

Today is Super Tuesday because you can switch classes and get your schedule in order-if possible! It’s complicated, but you can’t just drop a class and add another one, there has to be an opening and it can’t mess with your section. I didn’t even try. Here are my classes:

Seminar in Media and Managing the Law Enforcement Image (grad level)
Managing Organizational Change (grad)
Fitness (looking forward to this one!) we all take this class
Leadership for Investigative Strategies for Violent Crime (under grad)
Essentials for Law Enfrocement Execs (grad)
Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcment (we all take this one)

It will be nice to have some graduate credits towards a Master’s Degree. Tomorrow we begin the actual class work. We also run a mile for time! Weather has gotten a little warmer here, so I’m hoping it continues tomorrow.

Tonight was the welcoming dinner. I didn’t get any pics sorry. Well I am off to watch Iowa State lose to KU, then up early to get my swim in! Talk you all later, A

PS-I’m going to try and remember to add my steps/miles for the day in each blog post. This place is so big and I usually take the stairs (5th floor) because the elevator lines are long. It’s crazy the amount of walking I have done.
Steps-15,399 = 6.84 miles! Was about the same yesterday.

My lunch. I’ve been pretty safe in my choices-avoiding the ‘cafeteria type’ food. This is a chicken sandwich and squash.

The pool! Pretty nice! Also, very empty at 5 am. We are working towards a Blue Brick, 34 miles of swimming by the end of our session. I’m a half mile in!

These are the prison showers...you get the idea.


  1. Is that someone's undies hanging in the shower?! The kids think so! Good luck with those classes! They sound difficult!

  2. I just showed Eli the pictures and he said the pool looks pretty cool. I asked him what he wanted to comment and he said he wants to say “I miss you daddy.”

  3. You have probably never seen the show but you signing with "A" reminds me of Pretty Little Liars. Haha


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