Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Super Tuesday 2nd Edition

Today was not an ordinary day at the NA, for me at least. We have 5 sections, each section is basically a home room where you have your same class mates. Your section does PT together and some other random things and you get to know your section mates pretty well. Each section elects a representative for their respective section. Your job is be a conduit from the NA staff back and forth to your section. I was nominated and thought it would a fun job. I was very humbled to have been chosen to represent section 3, if you knew of the people in my group you would be surprised they picked me also!

What I didn’t realize is that all 5 section reps have to give a speech to our whole session and our session will then elect one of us to give a speech at graduation! What a nerve wracking day for me. I generally have no problem talking in front of groups of people, I actually enjoy it sometimes. But to give a speech to a room full of people who do what you do, makes for an interesting speech!

I was honored to be among the other 4 guys, they are all awesome people and tremendous leaders. When the dust settled, I was not chosen!!! That’s ok with me, I feel relief! I would have been really nervous to do this again in front of 1k plus people in a couple of weeks. Congrats to my guy Ralph, he will do a great job and I am looking forward to his speech!

I had a ton of people say some very nice things about my speech, it was very nice of all of them and I am happy that I represented by section, my family, and my office well. Thank you again.

Tomorrow is Challenge Day! Super excited! PS-I might have caught a bit of a head cold...hoping not.

10953 steps = 4.86 miles

That’s a good looking group of section representatives! Honored and humbled to stand with these men.

One side of the audience

Other side of the audience

Me speaking! Thanks AK for the picture.


  1. Nice job! I'm sure you did awesome! Let's see the video! xoxo

  2. I’m sure you did awesome too! You seem to embrace one of my biggest fears. Whenever I had to speak in front of a group, I usually couldn’t remember what I had said afterward.
    Hope you don’t get a cold. Remember those vitamins we had here over Christmas. Try them again.


It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...