Sunday, February 4, 2018

Super Bowl NA Style

Pretty uneventfull weekend around here. It was cold outside and people are starting to feel the pressure on papers and group presentations due. Next weekend is the famous New York trip and the weekend after that is a 3 day weekend, so a lot of people will be going home. That created a sense of urgency for everyone to try and get some work done this weekend.

I did swim 2 miles at one time yesterday, that was the most for me yet. Felt good. I would suggest if you are coming here to bring lotion and a small humidifier. This place is dry! I think a lot of people have humidifiers now.

My in laws came down from Stephens City and had lunch with me at Mission BBQ. The food was ok, nothing special. I then brought them on base and gave them a tour of the Academy. I think they enjoyed it. It was nice to have them here! Thanks Bob and Linda.

Another big week coming up!

These pictures don’t do it justice, the Boardroom was hopping! It was a fun environment with everyone cheering.

My in laws stopped over for a tour and visit! Was fun to show them around and I think they enjoyed it!

Lunch with Bob and Linda!


  1. That’s a good picture of mom and dad! Nice of you to give them a tour!

  2. We had such a good time. So glad we have gotten to spend some time with Adam.


It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...