Monday, January 22, 2018

3rd Week Begins!

Well, crisis has been averted! The stalemate is over (albeit temporarily) and the government is open for business! This hot topic was put to rest today, but it might come up again around here as we all anxiously await the next due date for a budget to pass. The conversations around the NA were positive and we were assured that business would be normal for us and that we aren’t going to be sent home. That didn’t stop us from wild speculation though.

A full day of classes commenced and was relatively normal. Had some great discussion with a small group and a classmate about the Czech Republic, where she is from, and how the EU works within a law enforcment format. Was informative and interesting to say the least.

Had a great presentation on the Unabomber and some blood patterning today also. I learned a few things, FBI got lucky on ole Teddy.

Highlight of the day was the box I got from home! Cookies again!! Thanks Sarah, Sadie, and Eli! I also got to open one of my weekly envelops and that had some treats in it as well. I am going to need to keep the swimming up to justify the treats.

PT was awesome! Mr. O’Malley challenged us quite a bit and I think we all improved today. We had 4 stations. 1 was TRX pulls and some lunge/squats, another was rower or assault bike (try to get 1000 watts on the bike-ouch), another station was sled pushes! The last station was walking around a 400 meter track carrying a kettlebell over your head. Doesn’t sound tough, but 45lb kettlebells killed me today.

For some reason I can’t upload any pictures today. I wanted to show you all how we watched the playoff games yesterday. I will try again tomorrow!

Off to bed, need to get up and swim again...

Steps 13,570 = 6.09 miles


  1. How many miles have you swam and how many to go?

  2. Good update! I want to hear more about how they caught the Unabomber when I see you this weekend. Got tix to the O's fanfest, I doubt its crowded this year haha.


It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...