Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Family is Here/Grad Rehearsal

My family was lucky to get her yesterday, turns out the security line at our airport is getting slower! So after a run for it, they made it in the nick of time! On the connecting flight, United was nice enough to let the kids sit up front and “drive”!

Last night, the Boardroom was hopping! For some of us, it will be the last time we get to hang out. I had a great time with my classmates.

Today we received our yellow bricks, it was a highlight of the session. It signify’s our accomplishment and effort. We then lined up for graduation rehearsal and went through what to expect for graduation on Friday. Nothing terribly complicated.

I left right after and headed to my in laws. Had a great day hanging out around the house and celebrating my father-in-law’s birthday. Pookie is in the house as well, she is up north in DC with my Uncle Mark. Her friend Grace gets here tomorrow, so Friday we should have a nice contingent of my friends and family at graduation.

My bricks!

Section 3!

Dan and I. Long time follower of the blog! W!

The Iowa crew!

My Louisiana meal!

Can’t have Louisiana night without a Hurricane!

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