Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday Week 5

Good morning! I didn’t post last night because I was just plain tired! Here I am, back at it again.

Swimming is going well, I don’t miss Monday through Saturday normally, but his weekend is the New York trip, so I am trying to make up for it. I hope to be done with the blue brick by next week!

Classes were good yesterday, nothing crazy or exciting. Our workout in PT was especially brutal though...24 straight minutes of something he called “Crawlapoolza”...of course I am going to tell you it was the worst thing in the world...cause it was! It was tough. We ended with A/C D/C’s Thunderstruck and every time they said ‘Thunder’, we had to do a burpee...I will never listen to that song the same again.

The weekends are getting busy around here. We have tours pretty much every weekend going forward. If you are looking for things to do when you come here, make sure you get them done before all of your tours start to pile up!

13,585 steps = 6.48 miles

Monday envelope!!!

Mike from Muskogee! It has a ring to it doesn’t it? Great guy, always positive!

Classroom. They have power to each seat so you charge a laptop or phone.

These are all the countries represented in our session, besides ours.

Me in front holding my diploma frame. Buy them early and save 15%, plan on spending at least $100!!!  I’ll try and do a price/store post one of these days.


  1. You talked about doing a price/store post. Can you discuss how accurate the recommended packing list is and anything else you think should be brought? (I will be attending session 272)

  2. Came here to see your most recent posts and I get something from two days ago?!?! Cmon man, I mean I'm sure you have 8+ hours of classes and an hour in the pool and 4 hours of studying...but TWO DAYS?!?!

    jk, hope you're doing well, RNB

  3. I can try and help you out. The packing list is fairly accurate. Make sure you bring weather appropriate clothing for hot and cold, you can wear whatever you want under your PT stuff when its cold out. You only get 4 drawers, 1 cubby, and half a closet for clothes, but I feel like it’s enough room for me. You need shower shoes for sure. Bring lotion and a humidifier, this place is dry.

    Generally the rooms are cold here, my Cali friends wear hats haha, not sure where you are coming from, but even I get cold now and then. I also brought my own pillow and another blanket. You do not need a printer! You can print in the library if needed, but most of our papers are emailed or uploaded. Hope this helps, let me know if there anything else I can answer.

    1. It does help. Thank you.

      Chris Adams

  4. I hope you are eating your snacks from us!! It was hard to part with some of them! ;) Cool to see all of the different countries!


It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...