Thursday, January 4, 2018

Wife and Kids Head Home-It’s Getting Real!

Reality is in deed setting in!

Sad day today, as I dropped off Sarah and the kids at Dulles to fly home. It was a sad moment, but I hope the time flies by as we are all going to be busy the next few months. Most of all is Sarah! Love you! ;-)

I had a chance to speak with both kids about taking care of Mommy and helping around the house while I’m gone. I also asked them to both be on their best behavior for Mommy, I think they will! It was a quiet ride back to Sarah’s parents house (weird to not have the noise).

Tomorrow I will do some last minute shopping for a few items I still need. I hope to clean the inside of the car out (these kids destroyed it!). Then I am off to Baltimore to hang out with brother in law and his family. I will be back here in Stephens City Sunday before I head down to Quantico Monday morning.

Quick story, I had a little cuddle time with Eli this morning. I was trying to be serious with him and explain to him what he needed to do while I was gone. I was trying to make him feel like the man of the house, you know pump him up a little. Hopefully instil a little pride...he responds “Dad, all I need to do is poop”....perfectly serious in his response I could only laugh. You’re right little buddy, pooping is healthy! I already miss them.

Travel pros

Goodbye family selfie

Kids selfie

Wife and kids made it home safely, thanks to Pookie for the ride home! Next post-will be at the NA!



  1. Yes, sad saying bye! Eli already broke his rule and was a poop tonight! ;) He was just exhausted! Jealous you are with my family and we aren't now! Love you! Have fun this weekend!

  2. miss you daddy!Eli was a cranky pans today...I was a good girl and helped mommy like a good girl!


It’s Been A Year!

One year ago I was 4 days into my NA experience....I had no idea what was going to happen from there, but now that I am a year removed I can...